Refunds and Money Back Guarantee

At HIPAA University, all of our online courses are recognized by numerous institutions and organizations across the U.S. We are committed to your satisfaction and provide a 30-day money-back guarantee should our certification not be accepted for any reason. Rest assured, choosing HIPAA Certification means a  100 percent risk-free experience with our money-back guarantee.

Our certifications are nationally accredited, and our cards are broadly accepted. However, if HIPAA Certification fails to meet your specific requirements and you can provide proof of this, we will issue a full refund. Please note that if you are dissatisfied with the course content, it is your responsibility to discontinue using our website. We are unable to issue refunds for completed courses or if you have already printed your wallet card.

If your employer or institution does not accept our online course and you can verify this denial, we will provide a refund. To initiate a refund, please get in touch with HIPAA University within 30 days of your course payment. You will need to provide your full name, mailing address, email address, the name of the institution or employer rejecting the certification, their phone and email contact details, and the reason for the refund request.

We do not refund any shipping charges. If you encounter technical difficulties, rather than requesting a refund, contact us directly, and we will be happy to assist you. By providing these clear guidelines, we aim to ensure that your experience with our courses is both effective and satisfactory. 

For any queries, feel free to get in touch with us at (1-888-372-5001) or email us right away at (