HIPAA for Covered Entities

A covered entity under HIPAA is any professional or body of organization that transmits health information electronically in transactions for which the Department of Health and Human Services has published standards. Compliance with HIPAA norms is a must for covered entities, and they must ensure that all their business associates adhere to them, too. That’s why, as a covered entity, all your employees must be familiar with all HIPAA regulations, and this is where our courses come in.

  • Builds patient trust through secure handling of health information.
  • Streamlines administrative processes by standardizing electronic healthcare transactions.
  • Identify knowledge gaps with regard to HIPAA awareness of employees.
  • Assessment results can help gain buy-in from senior management for updating training

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Covered Entities


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Nursing Homes

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  • HIPAA compliance for covered entities
  • Earn 2.0 CEUs upon completion
  • Include updated 2021/202 regulations
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the HIPAA courses suitable for my profession?

Here is the list of HIPAA courses that are suitable for your profession:

  • HIPAA course for healthcare providers: This course is suitable for doctors/physicians, nurses, medical students, laboratory staff, ophthalmologists, chiropractors, hospitals, and medical students.
  • HIPAA course for mental health providers: This course is suitable for psychiatrists/psychologists, behavioral services providers, medical students in mental health, mental health social services providers, psychiatry clinics, and mental health institutes.
  • HIPAA course for insurance agent awareness: This course is suitable for health insurance companies, health insurance agents, healthcare compliance officers, medical transcriptionists, and healthcare IT staff.
  • HIPAA course of employer group health insurance: This course is suitable for benefits administrators, insurance brokers or consultants, legal and compliance officers, and data analysts.
  • HIPAA course for general industry/HR professionals: This course is suitable for human resource consultants, departments, and third-party administrators.
What are some of the non-HIPAA courses that are required for my profession?

Compliance requirements in the healthcare sector vary depending on the employing organization and the regulatory landscape at the local, state, and federal levels. Healthcare professionals need to undergo annual training sessions for HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens and take a comprehensive compliance course upon initial hiring. 

These training initiatives ensure that employees remain well-versed in crucial aspects of patient privacy, safety protocols, and regulatory standards essential for maintaining the integrity of healthcare operations.

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